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2-Â Â Â Â Â Please contact the librarian to borrow an item.
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    545 Rutland Ave
    Teaneck, NJ 07666-2925
3-Â Â Â Â Â No more than 2 items may be borrowed at one time.
4-Â Â Â Â Â Materials may be borrowed for 30 days, with possible renewals after contacting the librarian.
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Books, etc |
Author |
Title |
Year |
Herst Jr., Herman | Still More Stories to Collect Stamps By | 1993 |
Adams. Charles F. | Stamp Collecting: The Complete, Easy Guide to the World’s Most Popular Hobby | 1992 |
Rod, Steven J. | An Introduction to Stamp Collecting | 1989 |
Schwab, Henry | The Echoes that Remain | 1992 |
??? | Concentration Camp Dachau 1933-1945 | 1978 |
Firebrace, John | British Empire Campaigns and Occupations in the near East, 1914-1924 | 1991 |
Lindenbaum, Arich | Stamps Tell the Story of Stamps | 1970 |
Shamir, Maxim and Gabriel | The Story of Israel in Stamps | 1969 |
Lutz, Abbot | 51st American Philatelic Congress | 1985 |
Forand, Michael | 57th American Philatelic Congress | 1991 |
Forsher, Bruno | More Precious then Gold and Philately | 1971 |
Persoff, Meir | The Running Stag: The Stamps and Postal History of Israel | 1973 |
Rothman, Stephen and Tsachor, Yakov | The Doar Ivri Issue of Israel | 1985 |
Blau, Fred and Deighton, Cyril | The Orient Flight L. Z. 127-Graf Zeppelin | 1980 |
Blau, Fred and Deighton, Cyril | The Egypt Flight L. Z. 127-Graf Zeppelin | 1981 |
Coles, John H. and Walker, Howard E. | Postal Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire – Part 2 The lost Territories in Africa & Asia | ? |
Felix. Ervin J. | Worldwide Watermarks and Perforations | 1966 |
Borodinsky, Isaac | Judaica in Philately an Annotated Checklist | 2001 |
Eisenberg, Ronald | The Jewish World in Stamps | 2002 |
d’Humieres, Jean boulad, Ringstrom, S. and Tester, H. E. | The Private Ship Letter Stamps of the World Part 2 The Suez Canal Company | 1985 |
Emery, Bob | Australian Imperial Forces Postal History 1914-1918 | 1984 |
Micarelli, Charles | The Micarelli Identification Guide to U. S. Stamps | 1991 |
Wallach, Dr. Josef | The Postal History of the West Bank of Jordan 1948-1967 Volume 1 | ? |
Tomkins, Major T. L. C. | Notes on the Cancellations of Turkish Arabia | ? |
Glassman, Emanuel | The Postal History of Jerusalem from 1948 | 1978 |
Gladstone, Norman | Postal Censorship in Israel, 1948-1978 | 1978 |
? | Turk Postalari Ilk Filatelik Damga ve Muhurleri 1863-1920 | 1963 |
Dorfman, David | The Stamps & Postal Stationery of Palestine Mandate 1918-1948 | 2001 |
Kahn, Jemru F. | Concentration Camp and Ghetto Mail System Under the Nazi Regieme | 1966 |
Tomlin, Derek | World War II P.O.W. and Internment Camps | ? |
Pollack, F. W. | The Turkish Post in the Holy Land | ? |
Brockert, Joe | Basic Knowledge for the Stamp Collector | 1978 |
Wolinetz, Harvey | Arab Philatelic Propaganda Against the State of Israel | 1975 |
Bahner, Diether A. | Theresienstadt Paketpost Propagandablock-Ausgabe | 1983 |
Carol, Dr. Steven | The Arab-Israeli Conflict on Stamps | 1988 |
Richter, John Henry | Judaica on Postage Stamps | 1974 |
Sutton, R. J. | The Stamp Collector’s Encyclopedia Sixth Edition | 1973 |
Slager, Joop | Jews and their Work Honored on Postage Stamps | 2005 |
Denfield, Major S. | The Control Blocks of the First Coin (Do’ar Ivri) Issue | 1971 |
Livnat, R. | Doar Ivri Plate & Tabs Types | 1978 |
Levison, Milton E. | The Plate Blocks and Tabs of the Doar Ivri Issue | 1975 |
Tsachor, Yacov | Israel Postage Stamps Catalogue 13 1948-1998 | 1998 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #12 | 1993 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #11 | 1989 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #10 | 1981 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #9 | 1976 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #8 | 1970 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #7 | 1964 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #6 | 1960 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #5 | 1956 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #4 | 1953 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #3 | 1951 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #2 | 1950 |
Israel, State of | Catalogue #1 | 1949 |
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Definitive Stamps Specialized Catalogue | 1980 |
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Definitive Stamps Specialized Catalogue | 1982 |
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Sheqel Definitive Stamps Supplement Catalogue | 1983 |
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Postal History Guide to the Territories Admisistered by Israel Since 1967 | 1980 |
Gershon | Gershon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1958 |
Gershon | Gershon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1959 | 1959 |
Gershon | Gershon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1960 | 1960 |
Gershon | Gershon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1961 | 1961 |
Gershon | Gershon’s Specialized Catalogue of Israel and the Holy Land | 1978 |
Or | Or Israel Stamp and Coin Catalogue | 1973 |
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1956 |
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1966 |
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1969 |
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1975 |
Heymann, I. and Pertzelan, M. | Postage Stamps of Israel Handbook & Catalogue | 1953 |
Heymann, I. and Pertzelan, M. | Postage Stamps of Israel Handbook & Catalogue | 1956 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1969 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1970-1971 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1972 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1973 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1974 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1975 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1977 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1978 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1979 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1981 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1983 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1985 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1987 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1990 |
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1992 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1978 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1980 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1984 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1988 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1992 |
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1996 |
Lindenberg, Paul P. | Specialized Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Palestine | 1952 |
Shalit, Ury | Shalit’s Catalogue of Israel Philatelic Items | 1976 |
Simon, Isidor | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1953 |
Simon, Isidor | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1954 |
Simon, Isidor | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1955 |
Simon, Isidor | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1958 |
Shalit, Ury and Seidman, Izhak | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1967 |
Shalit, Ury and Seidman, Izhak | Simon’s Catalogue of Israel Stamps = 6 Days War Supplement | 1968 |
Wallerstein, Walter | The Revenues of Israel | 1980 |
Asher & Zvi | Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1975 |
Borek | Borek Israel Stamp Catalogue | 1978 |
de Abravanel, Dr. S. | New Israel Solnik’s Catalogue (JNF Labels) | 1954 |
Wenger, Kenneth R. | The Wenger Israel Postage Stamp Catalog | 1956 |
Gibbons, Stanley | Israel & Palestine | 1971 |
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1978 |
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1978-1979 |
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1948-1998 |
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 2000 |
Mosden (Moshi & Denfield) | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1954 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1956 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1957 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1958 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1959 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1960 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1961 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1962 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1966 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1969 |
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1971 |
Siegel, Marvin | 20th Anniversary World Philatelic Congress of Israel Holyland & Judaica Societies | 1986 |
Gladstone, Norman | Post War Censorship to and from Palestine 1945-1948 | 1985 |
Kucharski, Jerzy | The Postal History of the Polish Field Post Offices in the Holy Land 1940-1947 | 1981 |
Simmons, David J. and Pearl, Irwin A. | Hebrew Letter Censor Marks | 1982 |
Forsher, Bruno | The Interim Period Postage Stamps of Israel | 1969 |
Riemer, H. H. | The Official Postcards and Special Cancellations of the Zionist Congresses | 1980 |
Loebl, W. Y | Postal Mechanisation in the Holy Land 1925-1981 | 1982 |
Aron, Joseph | Forerunners to the Forerunners; A Pre Philatelic Postal History of the Holy Land | 1988 |
Chafetz, Donald A. | A Study of Israel’s Dateless Cancellations 1948-1955 | 2001 |
Blumkin, Helene Lande | Highlights of Jewish History on Israeli Stamps (reprint) | 1957 |
Chafetz, Donald A. | Israeli Philately | ? |
Kaplove, Jay L. | Stamp Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund | 1973 |
Simon, Jsidor | Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1943 | 1943 |
Rehfeld, B | Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1950 | 1950 |
Rosen, Edwad G. | Stamps of the Jewish National Fund | 1979 |
Fund, Jewish National | Catalogue of Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1966 | 1966 |
Lapin, Emanuel and Lehrs, Gideon | Catalogue of JNF Covers | 1991 |
? | Souvenir Leaves Supplementary Pages Sep 1995-Dec 1997 | 1995-1997 |
Smith, C. H. and Simon, Werner | Catalog of the Meter Postage Stamps of Israel | 1974 |
Ladany, Shaul P. | Greeting Telegrams of the Jewish National Fund | 1995 |
Blake, Leslie L. | The Doar Ivri Plates | ? |
Schulman, Louis S. and Weisberger, Irving | Postal History of Israel From Suspension of British Mandate Post Until April 30, 1952 | 1952 |
Resnick, Samuel | Israel International Show Cards | 1994 |
Lapin, Emanuel | “Shai” and “Souvenir” Covers of the Jewish National Fund | 1983 |
Dubin, David and Morrow, Nancy | Israel and Forerunner Military Postal Stationery | 2002 |
Simon, Sam | Handbook of the Mail in the Concentration Camps 1933-1945 | 1973 |
Gladstone, Norman | Postal Censorship in Palestine During World War Two 1939-1945 | 1975 |
Collins, Norman J. | Palestine Mandate Issues 1921-1948 The Crown Agents Requisition Books | 1987 |
Hochheiser, Arthur M. | Postal Stationery of the Palestine Mandate | 1984 |
Fluri, Ernst | Handbook of Holy Land Philately – The Minhelet Ha’am Period | 1973 |
Sondak, M. | Jerusalem Postal Services during the Siege of 1948 | 1987 |
Ben David, Arieh | Handbook of Holy Land Philately – Safad | 1995 |
Cohen, N A | Meter Markings of the Palestine Mandate | ? |
Dorfman, David | Palestine Mandate Postmarks | 1985 |
Fletcher, Julius and Danesch, Hartwig | The Civilian Airgraph Service in Palestine 1941-1945 | 1983 |
Sacher, Michael M. | Army and Field Post Offices of Egypt and the EEF, 1914-1920 | 1970 |
Simon? | Minhelet Ha’am Stamps – Provisional Stamps of the Transitional Period May 1948 | ? |
Glassman, E. and Sacher, M. | The Postmarks and Other Markings of Mandate Jerusalem 1917-1948 | 1982 |
Sacher, Michael M. | Government, Certified Official and Post Office Cachets of the British Mandate of Palestine | 1981 |
Dorfman, David | Postmarks of the Palestine Mandate Part II Meshek Ayelet Hashahar-Zikhron Ya’aqov | 1974 |
Steinberg, Kurt | The Postage Stamp of Safad | 1950 |
Lewis, Nahum H. and Schmerler, Fabius | Specimen Issues of Mandate Palestine 1918-1948 | 1967 |
Dorfman, David and Posner, H. J. | Palestine – The First Local Overprints | 1960 |
Gotlib, J. | Zodiac – The Stamps of Palestine Mandate – Specialized Catalogue | 1971 |
Gotlib, J. | Zodiac – The Stamps of Palestine Mandate – Specialized Catalogue | 1974 |
Blake, Leslie L. | The Armoured Car Stamp of Rishon Le Zion | 1956 |
Rozman, Sol | The Tabs of Israel Translation and Transliteration | ? |
Steichele, A. | Die Postgeschichte Palastinas von 1841 bis 1918 | 1981 |
Buzzetti, Luciano | La Posta in Palestina | 1988 |
Koch, Paul-August | Die Antwortscheine von Palastina und Israel | 1982 |
Fraenkel, Alexander | Mail From Israel – The Jerusalem Stamp | 1952 |
Fraenkel, Alexander | Israel | 1954 |
Koln, Jakob Niesen | Die Postgeschichte von Nahariya | 1980 |
Rochlin, Sidney | Handbook of the Issues of the Jewish National Fund | 1988 |
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Regular Postmarks of Israeli Post – Part 1 – 1948-1990 | 1990 |
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Cancellations of Israeli Post – Part 3 – Slogan Cancellations 1948-1994 | 1994 |
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Special Cancellations of Israeli Post – Part 4 – 1948-1998 | 1998 |
Aizenberg, Salo | Postcards from the Holy Land – A Pictorial History of the Ottoman Era, 1880-1918 | 2010 |
Photocopies of British Philatelic Official Correspondence | Photocopies of British Philatelic Official Correspondence | |
SIP Library Catalog 1971 | 1971 | |
Jewish Seals | ||
Kaim, E S | Price list | |
Groten, A | OAT and AV2 markings correspondence | |
Groten, A | AR markings correspondence | |
Hochheiser, A | Palestine Postal Stationery correspondence | |
Hochheiser, A | Palestine coil stamps correspondence | |
Kolar’s Catalogue #1 2nd Ed. 1948-1957 | 1957 | |
Ben-Gurion, D | Israel Among the Nations | 1952 |
Livnat, R | Doar Ivri Plate and Tabs types | 1978 |
Government of Palestine Post Office Ordinanace #20 of 1930 | ||
Hochheiser, A | Palestine Postal Forms British Miluitary Administration 1917-1920 | 1989 |
Groten A | The Postmarks of Mandate Tel Aviv | 1988 |
Simmons, D J | Basic Israel Philately | 1995 |
Steichele, A | Handbook of Holy Land Philately The foreign Post Offices in Palestine 1840-1918 | 1991 |
Hoexter, W | The Stamps of Palestine 1918 to 1 July 1920 | 1970 |
Stamp Album of KKL stamps | ||
SIP Central Ohio Chapter Seminar | 1971 | |
IRS Form 990 | 2009 | |
The Stamps of Mandate Palestine (Album pages) | ||
Rosenberg, S H & Wolman, H | A Catalogue of Israel’s Triangular Military Unit Handstamps | 2012 |
Groten, A | The Flying Camel The Levant Fairs of Mandate Palestine | 2009 |
Morginstin, S | The Postal Stationery of Israel | 1998 |
Stadtler, B | A History of Israel Through Her Postage Stamps | 1993 |
Zelenietz, M | Return to the Land: The Challenge of Rebuilding Israel | 2011 |
Courlander, D | A History of Jewish Arts and Crafts on the Postage Stamps of Israel | 2005 |
Goldstein, C & Dickstein, E | Haifa and Jaffa Postmarks of the Palestine mandate | 1983 |
Groten, A | Taxi Mail of the Holy Land c 1930-1975 | 2006 |
Groten, A | Palestine Postal Forms of the Civilian Administration 1921-1948 | 1987 |
Morginstin, S & Perrin, B | 2011 Israel Philatelic Catlogue of Maximum Cards, Postal Openings, Information Folders, Bulletins, etc. | 2013 |
Chadderton, B | Descent into the Abyss: The Shoah – a Philatelic retelling | 2012 |
( A few articles in a folder) | ||
Mosbaugh, C | Mosbaugh’s US All Funds Seal Catalog, V, Jewish Seals | 1978 |
Exhibition Catalogues | ||
Philex Israel 2004 | 2004 | |
Telabul 2004 Palmares | 2004 | |
Telabul 2004 Catalog | 2004 | |
Jerusalem 1973 International Stamp Exhibition | 1974 | |
Tabit National Stamp Exhibition 1970 & Report to the Jury | 1970 | |
Tabira National Stamp Exhibition 1968 | 1968 | |
Society of Israel Philatelists ISPEX ’94 | 1994 | |
CISPEX International Philatelic Exhibition 1959 | 1959 | |
NAPEX 83 | 1983 | |
Canadian National Philatelic Exhibition 1973 | 1973 | |
Westpex 1973 | 1973 | |
Ispex 61 | 1961 | |
Fipex International Philatelic Exhibition 1956 | 1956 | |
A Century of Jewish History Philatelic Exhibit 1950 | 1950 | |
Lispex 8 1969 | 1969 | |
Philitex 92 | 1992 | |
Tabil 1957 catalogue, brochure & report to the Jury | 1957 | |
Cenjex 1977 | 1977 | |
Society of Israel Philatelists Great Lakes Regional Seminar 1971 | 1971 | |
Journals | ||
Title | Volume | Year |
Amicale Philatelique France-Israel | 1, 2, 10, 11, 13-21 | 1985 |
B.A.P.I.P. Buletin | #1-153, 155 | 1951-2004 |
BAPIP Monograph 1986 | Police and Prison Mail in Israel 1948-1986 | 1986 |
CASIP Bulletin | Many issues, not complete | 1967-91 |
CASIP Study Circle | Report #1-9 | 1981-1982 |
Der Israel-Philatelist | #19, 21,22, 25-42, 44-47, 53, 55, 56, 65-70, 72, 73, 75-81, 86-118 | |
Filatelia | #68-72 | 1969-1970 |
First Days | Vol 6 # 3 | 1961 |
Holy Land Postal History | Issues 1-40, 55-62, 75-78, 83-88, 101-102, 105-114, 119-122 | |
Holyland Judaica Philatelist | Vol. 1 #3 | 1976 |
I. P. P. Bulletin | Volumes 1-10 | 1949-1959 |
Israel Philatelic Exchange Club | #2-4 | 1953-1954 |
Israel Philatelic Federation Magazine | #50 | 2003 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issue 9 | 1967 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1, 3-6, 9 | 1969 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1, 7, 11, 12 | 1968 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-10 | 1992 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-12 | 1989 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-2 | 1985 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-2 | 1990 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-4, 11-12 | 1986 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 3-12 | 1987 |
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 5-12 | 1988 |
Israel Philatelic Newsreel Monthly | September 1957, Nov/Dec 1957, Apr/May 1959, Jul/Aug 1959 & Oct/Nov 1959 | 1957-1959 |
Israel Philatelist | Volume 1 #1-Present | 1949- |
Israel Philatelist Index | Volume 1-23, 23-32, 24-41, 42-50 | 1949-1999 |
Israel Plate Block Society | Vol 1 #1- Volume 28 #2 Missing issues | -2006 |
Journal of the Judaica Philatelic Society | Volume 1 #2 | 1982 |
Judaica Historical Philatelic Society | Volumes 15-17, 21-29 | 1979-1993 |
Judaica Post | Volumes 1-3 Reprint Volume 1-1960-1962 | 1960-1962 |
Judaica Post | Volumes 4-7 | 1976-1979 |
Nederland Israel Philatelie | #5, 66, 68, 70, 72, 78-91, 93, 94, 103, 105, 106, 112-125, 131-134, 136-138, 140-154, 157-164 | |
BAPIP Monograph 1990 | Overland Mail via the Syro-Iraqi Great Desert | 1990 |
Scott’s Monthly Stamp Journal | May 1978 – Israel’s 30 th Anniversary – Vol. 59 #5 | 1978 |
SIP Executive Committee Reports | 2002-2008 | 2002-2008 |
The Holyland Philatelist | #1-82 and index (4 volumes) | 1954-1961 |
The Ukrainian Philatelist | #40 | 1977 |
World Philatelic Congress of Israel, Holy Land, etc. | Many issues, not complete | |
Numismatica Catalog #15 | 2004 | |
German Postal Specialist | 2000 | |
From the Tower of David (D. Dorfman) | 1977-79 | |
Auction Catalogues | ||
Bale, Michael H. | Negev Holy Land Auction Cataglogues = No Prices Realized = Miscellaneous issues | |
The van Doorn collection – Christies auction | 1980 | |
Christies – Michael Sacher Collection of Palestine | 1977 | |
Cherrystone Holyland Auction Catalogs | 1976-80 | |
SIP LA Chapter mail sale | 1990 | |
CAFIP Auction News | 1983 |
Forerunners (c. 1400-1918)
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World War I in Middle East
Author | Title | Year | Shelf | |||
Sacher, Michael M. | Army and Field Post Offices of Egypt and the EEF, 1914-1920 | 1970 | 10 | |||
Emery, Bob | Australian Imperial Forces Postal History 1914-1918 | 1984 | t | |||
Firebrace, John | British Empire Campaigns and Occupations in the near East, 1914-1924 | 1991 | t |
Palestine Mandate (1918-1948)
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Koch, Paul-August (Duplicate listing) | Die Antwortscheine von Palastina und Israel (Reply Coupons of…) | 1982 | 7 | ||||
Groten, A | AR markings correspondence | 5 | |||||
Fletcher, Julius and Danesch, Hartwig | The Civilian Airgraph Service in Palestine 1941-1945 | 1983 | 10 | ||||
Blau, Fred and Deighton, Cyril | The Egypt Flight L. Z. 127-Graf Zeppelin | 1981 | t | ||||
Groten, Arthur | The Flying Camel The Levant Fairs of Mandate Palestine | 2009 | SIP | 10 | |||
Government of Palestine Post Office Ordinanace #20 of 1930 | SIP | 8 | |||||
Sacher, Michael M. | Government, Certified Official and Post Office Cachets of the British Mandate of Palestine | 1981 | 10 | ||||
Gladstone, N. & Glassman, E. | " - A supplement to Michael M. Sacher's Monograph | 1998 | HLPH | 10 | |||
Goldstein, C & Dickstein, E | Haifa and Jaffa Postmarks of the Palestine mandate | 1983 | SIP | 10 | |||
Cohen, N A | Meter Markings of the Palestine Mandate | ? | 7 | ||||
Groten, Arthur | OAT and AV2 markings correspondence | 5 | |||||
Blau, Fred and Deighton, Cyril | The Orient Flight L. Z. 127-Graf Zeppelin | 1980 | t | ||||
BAPIP Monograph 1990 | Overland Mail via the Syro-Iraqi Great Desert | 1990 | t | ||||
Dorfman, David and Posner, H. J. | Palestine - The First Local Overprints | 1960 | 10 | ||||
Hochheiser, A | Palestine coil stamps correspondence | 5 | |||||
Collins, Norman J. | Palestine Mandate Issues 1921-1948 The Crown Agents Requisition Books | 1987 | 8 | ||||
Dorfman, David | Palestine Mandate Postmarks | 1985 | 8 | ||||
Hochheiser, A | Palestine Postal Forms British Military Administration 1917-1920 | 1989 | SIP | 8 | |||
Groten, Arthur | Palestine Postal Forms of the Civilian Administration 1921-1948 | 1987 | SIP | 10 | |||
Hochheiser, A | Palestine Postal Stationery correspondence | 5 | |||||
Photocopies of British Philatelic Official Correspondence | Photocopies of British Philatelic Official Correspondence | 5 | |||||
Gladstone, Norman | Post War Censorship to and from Palestine 1945-1948 | 1985 | 10 | ||||
Gladstone, Norman | Postal Censorship in Palestine During World War Two 1939-1945 | 1975 | 10 | ||||
Schulman, Louis S. and Weisberger, Irving (Duplicate listing) | Postal History of Israel From Suspension of British Mandate Post Until April 30, 1952 | 1952 | 10 | ||||
Kucharski, Jerzy | The Postal History of the Polish Field Post Offices in the Holy Land 1940-1947 | 1981 | 8 | ||||
Glassman, E. and Sacher, M. | The Postmarks and Other Markings of Mandate Jerusalem 1917-1948 | 1982 | 10 | ||||
Loebl, W. Y (Duplicate listing) | Postal Mechanisation in the Holy Land 1925-1981 | 1982 | 10 | ||||
Hochheiser, Arthur M. | Postal Stationery of the Palestine Mandate | 1984 | 10 | ||||
Dorfman, David | Postmarks of the Palestine Mandate Part II Meshek Ayelet Hashahar-Zikhron Ya'aqov | 1974 | 10 | ||||
Groten, Arthur | The Postmarks of Mandate Tel Aviv | 1988 | SIP | 8 | |||
d'Humieres, Jean boulad, Ringstrom, S. and Tester, H. E. | The Private Ship Letter Stamps of the World Part 2 The Suez Canal Company | 1985 | t | ||||
Groten, A | Rates & Fees of Palestine Mandate until 1921, in "51st American Philatelic Congress" | 1985 | t | ||||
Groten, A | Rates & Fees of Palestine Mandate until 1921, in "57th American Philatelic Congress" | 1991 | t | ||||
Lewis, Nahum H. and Schmerler, Fabius | Specimen Issues of Mandate Palestine 1918-1948 | 1967 | 10 | ||||
Dorfman, David | The Stamps & Postal Stationery of Palestine Mandate 1918-1948 | 2001 | 10 | ||||
The Stamps of Mandate Palestine (Album pages) | SIP | 10 | |||||
Hoexter, W | The Stamps of Palestine 1918 to 1 July 1920 | 1970 | WPC | 8 | |||
Groten, A (Duplicate listing) | Taxi Mail of the Holy Land c 1930-1975 | 2006 | SIP | 10 | |||
Tomlin, Derek | World War II P.O.W. and Internment Camps | ? | t |
Interim Period (May 1948)
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Blake, Leslie L. | The Armoured Car Stamp of Rishon Le Zion | 1956 | 10 | ||||
Forsher, Bruno | The Interim Period Postage Stamps of Israel | 1969 | 8 | ||||
Ben David, Arieh | Handbook of Holy Land Philately - Safad | 1995 | 7 | ||||
Fluri, Ernst | Handbook of Holy Land Philately - The Minhelet Ha'am Period | 1973 | 8 | ||||
Sondak, M. | Jerusalem Postal Services during the Siege of 1948 | 1987 | 8 | ||||
Simon? | Minhelet Ha'am Stamps - Provisional Stamps of the Transitional Period May 1948 | ? | 8 | ||||
Shamir, Chaim & Siegel, Marvin | The Postal History of the Transition Period in Israel Vol. III Israel Foreign Postal Links | 1991 | HLPH | 7 | |||
Steinberg, Kurt | The Postage Stamp of Safad | 1950 | 10 | ||||
Koln, Jakob Niesen | Die Postgeschichte von Nahariya (The Postal History of Nahariya) | 1980 | 10 | ||||
Groten, Arthur (Duplicate listing) | Taxi Mail of the Holy Land c 1930-1975 | 2006 | SIP | 10 |
Israel (1948-date)
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Denfield, Major S. | The Control Blocks of the First Coin (Do'ar Ivri) Issue | 1971 | 8 | ||||
Rothman, Stephen and Tsachor, Yakov | The Doar Ivri Issue of Israel | 1985 | 8 | ||||
Livnat, R. | Doar Ivri Plate & Tabs Types | 1978 | 8 | ||||
Blake, Leslie L. | The Doar Ivri Plates | ? | 10 | ||||
Levison, Milton E. | The Plate Blocks and Tabs of the Doar Ivri Issue | 1975 | 8 | ||||
Morginstin, S & Perrin, B | 2011 Israel Philatelic Catlogue of Maximum Cards, Postal Openings, Information Folders, Bulletins, etc. | 2013 | SIP | 10 | |||
Carol, Dr. Steven | The Arab-Israeli Conflict on Stamps | 1988 | t | ||||
Wolinetz, Harvey | Arab Philatelic Propaganda Against the State of Israel | 1975 | 8 | ||||
Simmons, D J | Basic Israel Philately | 1995 | SIP | 8 | |||
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Cancellations of Israeli Post - Part 3 - Slogan Cancellations 1948-1994 | 1994 | 8 | ||||
Smith, C. H. and Simon, Werner | Catalog of the Meter Postage Stamps of Israel | 1974 | 10 | ||||
Rosenberg, S H & Wolman, H | A Catalogue of Israel's Triangular Military Unit Handstamps | 2012 | SIP | 10 | |||
Koch, Paul-August | Die Antwortscheine von Palastina und Israel (Reply Coupons of …) | 1982 | 7 | ||||
Simmons, David J. and Pearl, Irwin A. | Hebrew Letter Censor Marks | 1982 | 8 | ||||
Blumkin, Helene Lande | Highlights of Jewish History on Israeli Stamps (reprint) | 1957 | 10 | ||||
Ribalow, Harold U. | The History of Israel's Postage Stamps From 1948-1956 | 2014 | SIP | 8 | |||
Stadtler, Bea | A History of Israel Through Her Postage Stamps | 1993 | SIP | 10 | |||
Courlander, D | A History of Jewish Arts and Crafts on the Postage Stamps of Israel | 2005 | SIP | 10 | |||
Fraenkel, Alexander | Israel | 1954 | 10 | ||||
Ben-Gurion, David | Israel Among the Nations | 1952 | 8 | ||||
Resnick, Samuel | Israel International Show Cards | 1994 | 10 | ||||
Chafetz, Donald A. | Israeli Philately | ? | 10 | ||||
Fraenkel, Alexander | Mail From Israel - The Jerusalem Stamp | 1952 | 7 | ||||
BAPIP Monograph 1986 | Police and Prison Mail in Israel 1948-1986 | 1986 | t | ||||
Gladstone, Norman | Postal Censorship in Israel, 1948-1978 | 1978 | 10 | ||||
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Postal History Guide to the Territories Administered by Israel Since 1967 | 1980 | t | ||||
Schulman, Louis S. and Weisberger, Irving | Postal History of Israel From Suspension of British Mandate Post Until April 30, 1952 | 1952 | 10 | ||||
Glassman, Emanuel | The Postal History of Jerusalem from 1948 | 1978 | 10 | ||||
Wallach, Dr. Josef | The Postal History of the West Bank of Jordan 1948-1967 Volume 1 | ? | 8 | ||||
Loebl, W. Y | Postal Mechanisation in the Holy Land 1925-1981 | 1982 | 10 | ||||
Morginstin, S | The Postal Stationery of Israel | 1998 | SIP | 10 | |||
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Regular Postmarks of Israeli Post - Part 1 - 1948-1990 | 1990 | 8 | ||||
Zelenietz, M | Return to the Land: The Challenge of Rebuilding Israel | 2011 | SIP | 10 | |||
Wallerstein, Walter | The Revenues of Israel | 1980 | t | ||||
Persoff, Meir | The Running Stag: The Stamps and Postal History of Israel | 1973 | t | ||||
?? | Souvenir Leaves Supplementary Pages Sep 1995-Dec 1997 | 1995-1997 | 8 | ||||
Nachtigal, I and Fixler, B. | Special Cancellations of Israeli Post - Part 4 - 1948-1998 | 1998 | 8 | ||||
Shamir, Maxim and Gabriel | The Story of Israel in Stamps | 1969 | 7 | ||||
Chafetz, Donald A. | A Study of Israel's Dateless Cancellations 1948-1955 | 2001 | 10 | ||||
Rozman, Sol | The Tabs of Israel Translation and Transliteration | ? | SIP | 7 | |||
Groten, Arthur | Taxi Mail of the Holy Land c 1930-1975 | 2006 | SIP | 10 |
All Periods
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | ||||
Siegel, Marvin, ed. | 20th Anniversary World Philatelic Congress of Israel Holyland & Judaica Societies | 1986 | 8 | |||||
Dubin, David and Morrow, Nancy | Israel and Forerunner Military Postal Stationery | 2002 | 10 | |||||
SIP Central Ohio Chapter Seminar | 1971 | SIP - Ohio | 10 | |||||
Israel/Holyland Exhibits at Sarasota 2014 | 2014 | SIP | t | |||||
( A few articles in a folder) | 10 |
General Stamp Collecting
Author | Title | Year | Shelf | ||||
Rod, Steven J. | An Introduction to Stamp Collecting | 1989 | 7 | ||||
Brockert, Joe | Basic Knowledge for the Stamp Collector | 1978 | 7 | ||||
Micarelli, Charles | The Micarelli Identification Guide to U. S. Stamps | 1991 | t | ||||
Forsher, Bruno | More Precious then Gold and Philately | 1971 | t | ||||
Adams. Charles F. | Stamp Collecting: The Complete, Easy Guide to the World's Most Popular Hobby | 1992 | 7 | ||||
Sutton, R. J. | The Stamp Collector's Encyclopedia Sixth Edition | 1973 | 7 | ||||
Lindenbaum, Arich | Stamps Tell the Story of Stamps | 1970 | 7 | ||||
Herst Jr., Herman | Still More Stories to Collect Stamps By | 1993 | 7 | ||||
Felix. Ervin J. | Worldwide Watermarks and Perforations | 1966 | 7 |
General Judaica
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Eisenberg, Ronald | The Jewish World in Stamps | 2002 | t | ||||
Slager, Joop | Jews and their Work Honored on Postage Stamps | 2005 | t | ||||
Borodinsky, Isaac | Judaica in Philately an Annotated Checklist | 2001 | t | ||||
Richter, John Henry | Judaica on Postage Stamps | 1974 | t | ||||
Riemer, H. H. | The Official Postcards and Special Cancellations of the Zionist Congresses | 1980 | 8 | ||||
Blum, Abraham | Places and Post Offices with Biblical Names. From the Tanach -- the Old Testament | 2014 | SIP | 10 |
JNF (Jewish National Fund/KKL)
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Beniyahu, Hanoch, ed. | ..And the Land Responded | KKL | t | ||||
Lapin, Emanuel | "Shai" and "Souvenir" Covers of the Jewish National Fund | 1983 | ? | ||||
Fund, Jewish National | Catalogue of Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1966 | 1966 | 8 | ||||
Lapin, Emanuel and Lehrs, Gideon | Catalogue of JNF Covers | 1991 | 10 | ||||
Simon, Jsidor | Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1943 | 1943 | 8 | ||||
Rehfeld, B | Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund Stamps 1902-1950 | 1950 | 8 | ||||
Ladany, Shaul P. | Greeting Telegrams of the Jewish National Fund | 1995 | 10 | ||||
Rochlin, Sidney | Handbook of the Issues of the Jewish National Fund | 1988 | 10 | ||||
Stamp Album of KKL stamps | KKL | 10 | |||||
Kaplove, Jay L. | Stamp Catalogue of the Jewish National Fund | 1973 | 8 | ||||
Rosen, Edward G. | Stamps of the Jewish National Fund | 1979 | 8 |
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Shelf | |||
Kahn, Jemru F. | Concentration Camp and Ghetto Mail System Under the Nazi Regieme | 1966 | t | ||||
??? | Concentration Camp Dachau 1933-1945 | 1978 | 8 | ||||
Chadderton, B | Descent into the Abyss: The Shoah - a Philatelic retelling | 2012 | SIP | 10 | |||
Schwab, Henry | The Echoes that Remain | 1992 | t | ||||
Simon, Sam | Handbook of the Mail in the Concentration Camps 1933-1945 | 1973 | 10 | ||||
Bahner, Diether A. | Theresienstadt Paketpost Propagandablock-Ausgabe | 1983 | t | ||||
Tomlin, Derek (Duplicate listing) | World War II P.O.W. and Internment Camps | ? | t |
Vendor Catalogs (Duplicate listing)
Author | Title | Year | Shelf | ||||
de Abravanel, Dr. S. | New Israel Solnik's Catalogue (JNF Labels) | 1954 | t | ||||
Lindenberg, Paul P. | Specialized Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Palestine | 1952 | t | ||||
Gibbons, Stanley (Duplicate listing) | Israel & Palestine | 1971 | t | ||||
Gotlib, J. | Zodiac - The Stamps of Palestine Mandate - Specialized Catalogue | 1971 | t | ||||
Gotlib, J. | Zodiac - The Stamps of Palestine Mandate - Specialized Catalogue | 1974 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1973 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1974 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1975 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1976 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1977 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. (Duplicate listing) | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1978 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1978 | t | Hebrew | |||
Bale, Michael H. | The Stamps of Palestine Mandate | 1980 | t | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #1 | 1949 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #2 | 1950 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #3 | 1951 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #4 | 1953 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #5 | 1956 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #6 | 1960 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #7 | 1964 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #8 | 1970 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #9 | 1976 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #10 | 1981 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #11 | 1989 | 8 | ||||
Israel, State of | Catalogue #12 | 1993 | 8 | ||||
Tsachor, Yacov | Israel Postage Stamps Catalogue #13 1948-1998 | 1998 | 8 | ||||
Gibbons, Stanley | Israel & Palestine | 1971 | t | ||||
Borek | Borek Israel Stamp Catalogue | 1978 | t | ||||
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1978 | 7 | ||||
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1978-1979 | 7 | ||||
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1948-1998 | 7 | ||||
Carmel Publishers | Carmel Israel Stamps Catalogue | 2000 | 7 | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1969 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1970-1971 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel | 1972 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1973 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Stamps | 1974 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1975 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1976 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1977 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Palestine & Israel Postage Stamps | 1978 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1979 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1981 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1983 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1985 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1987 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1990 | t | ||||
Bale, Michael H. | Catalogue of Israel Postage Stamps | 1992 | t | ||||
Gershon | Gershon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1958 | t | ||||
Gershon | Gershon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1959 | 1959 | t | ||||
Gershon | Gershon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1960 | 1960 | t | ||||
Gershon | Gershon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps Supplement 1961 | 1961 | t | ||||
Gershon | Gershon's Specialized Catalogue of Israel and the Holy Land | 1978 | t | ||||
Asher & Zvi | Israel Stamps Catalogue | 1975 | t | ||||
Kaim, E S | Price list | 5 | |||||
Mosden (Moshi & Denfield) | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1954 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1956 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1957 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1958 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1959 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1960 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1961 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1962 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1966 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1969 | 7 | ||||
Mosden | Mosden Israel Catalogue | 1971 | 7 | ||||
Or | Or Israel Stamp and Coin Catalogue | 1973 | t | ||||
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1956 | t | ||||
Kolar | Kolar's Catalogue #1 2nd Ed. 1948-1957 | 1957 | 8 | ||||
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1966 | t | ||||
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1969 | t | ||||
Kolar | Postage Stamps of Israel Catalogue | 1975 | t | ||||
Heymann, I. and Pertzelan, M. | Postage Stamps of Israel Handbook & Catalogue | 1953 | 7 | ||||
Heymann, I. and Pertzelan, M. | Postage Stamps of Israel Handbook & Catalogue | 1956 | 7 | ||||
Philex Israel 2004 | 2004 | 1 | |||||
Simon, Isidor | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1953 | 7 | ||||
Simon, Isidor | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1954 | 7 | ||||
Simon, Isidor | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1955 | 7 | ||||
Simon, Isidor | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1958 | 7 | ||||
Shalit, Ury and Seidman, Izhak | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1967 | 7 | ||||
Shalit, Ury and Seidman, Izhak | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps = 6 Days War Supplement | 1968 | 7 | ||||
Shalit, Ury and Seidman, Izhak | Simon's Catalogue of Israel Stamps | 1969-1970 | 7 | ||||
Shalit, Ury | Shalit's Catalogue of Israel Philatelic Items | 1976 | 7 | ||||
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Definitive Stamps Specialized Catalogue | 1980 | 1 | ||||
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Definitive Stamps Specialized Catalogue | 1982 | 1 | ||||
Wallach, Dr. Josef | Wallach Israel Sheqel Definitive Stamps Supplement Catalogue | 1983 | t | ||||
Wenger, Kenneth R. | The Wenger Israel Postage Stamp Catalog | 1956 | t |
Exhibition Catalogues
Exhibition Catalogues | Year | Shelf | |||
A Century of Jewish History Philatelic Exhibit 1950 | 1950 | 1 | |||
Fipex International Philatelic Exhibition 1956 | 1956 | 1 | |||
Tabil 1957 catalogue, brochure & report to the Jury | 1957 | 1 | |||
CISPEX International Philatelic Exhibition 1959 | 1959 | 1 | |||
Ispex 61 | 1961 | 1 | |||
Tabira National Stamp Exhibition 1968 | 1968 | 1 | |||
Lispex 8 1969 | 1969 | 1 | |||
Tabit National Stamp Exhibition 1970 & Report to the Jury | 1970 | 1 | |||
Society of Israel Philatelists Great Lakes Regional Seminar 1971 | 1971 | 10 | |||
Canadian National Philatelic Exhibition 1973 | 1973 | 1 | |||
Westpex 1973 | 1973 | 1 | |||
Jerusalem 1973 International Stamp Exhibition | 1974 | 1 | |||
Cenjex 1977 | 1977 | 1 | |||
NAPEX 83 | 1983 | 1 | |||
Philitex 92 | 1992 | 1 | |||
Society of Israel Philatelists ISPEX '94 | 1994 | 1 | |||
Telabul 2004 Palmares | 2004 | 1 | |||
Telabul 2004 Catalog | 2004 | 1 |
Title | Volume | Year | Publisher | Year | |||
Amicale Philatelique France-Israel | 1, 2, 10, 11, 13-21 | 1985 | 10 | ||||
B.A.P.I.P. Bulletin | #1-present | 1951-date | t | ||||
CASIP Bulletin | Many issues, not complete | 1967-1991 | 5 | ||||
CASIP Study Circle | Report #1-9 | 1981-1982 | 10 | ||||
Der Israel-Philatelist | #19, 21,22, 25-42, 44-47, 53, 55, 56, 65-70, 72, 73, 75-81, 86-118 | 1 | |||||
Filatelia | #68-72 | 1969-1970 | 10 | ||||
First Days | Vol 6 # 3 | 1961 | 7 | ||||
From the Tower of David (D. Dorfman) | 1 to 9 | 1977-1979 | 10 | ||||
German Postal Specialist | LI:11 | 2000 | German Philatelic Socielty | 7 | |||
Holy Land Postal History | Issues 1-present | t | |||||
Holyland Judaica Philatelist | Vol. 1 #3 | 1976 | 7 | ||||
The Holyland Philatelist | #1-82 and index (4 volumes) | 1954-1961 | t | ||||
I. P. P. Bulletin | Volumes 1-10 | 1949-1959 | SIP | t | |||
Israel Philatelic Exchange Club | #2-4 | 1953-1954 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Federation Magazine | #50 | 2003 | 10 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issue 9 | 1967 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1, 7, 11, 12 | 1968 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1, 3-6, 9 | 1969 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-2 | 1985 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-4, 11-12 | 1986 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 3-12 | 1987 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 5-12 | 1988 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-12 | 1989 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-2 | 1990 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Monthly | Issues 1-10 | 1992 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelic Newsreel Monthly | September 1957, Nov/Dec 1957, Apr/May 1959, Jul/Aug 1959 & Oct/Nov 1959 | 1957-1959 | 7 | ||||
Israel Philatelist | Volume 1 #1-Present | 1949-date | SIP | t | |||
Israel Philatelist Index | Volume 1-23, 23-32, 24-41, 42-50 | 1949-1999 | t | ||||
Israel Plate Block Society | Vol 1 #1- Volume 28 #2, Missing issues | 1979-2006 | 10 | ||||
Journal of Israel Numismatics | Vol. 1 #1 - Vol. 3 #1 | 1966-1969 | 7 | ||||
Journal of the Judaica Philatelic Society | Volume 1 #2 | 1982 | 7 | ||||
Judaica Historical Philatelic Society | Volumes 15-17, 21-29 | 1979-1993 | 8 | ||||
Judaica Post | Volumes 1-3 Reprint Volume 1-1960-1962 | 1960-1962 | 8 | ||||
Judaica Post | Volumes 4-7 | 1976-1979 | 8 | ||||
Nederland Israel Philatelie | #5, 66, 68, 70, 72, 78-91, 93, 94, 103, 105, 106, 112-125, 131-134, 136-138, 140-154, 157-164 | 1 | |||||
Numismatica Catalog #15 | 2004 | Aharoni | 7 | ||||
Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal | May 1978 - Israel's 30 th Anniversary - Vol. 59 #5 | 1978 | 10 | ||||
Terrasanta | Vol. 15 #2; 16:1-3,6; 17:1-2 | 2012-2014 | Associazione Filatelica | 5 | |||
The Ukrainian Philatelist | #40 | 1977 | 10 | ||||
World Philatelic Congress of Israel, Holy Land, etc. | Many issues, not complete | 5 |
Major Auction Catalogues
Author | Title | Year | Publisher | Year | |||
Bale, Michael H. | Negev Holy Land Auction Catalogues = No Prices Realized = Miscellaneous issues | 1967-2010 | 4 | ||||
CAFIP Auction News | 1983 | CAFIP | 10 | ||||
Cherrystone Holyland Auction Catalogs (8) | 1976-1980 | 4 | |||||
Christies - Michael Sacher Collection of Palestine | 1977 | 4 | |||||
From the Tower of David Auctions (D. Dorfman) | #2-5 | 1982-1984 | 10 | ||||
Holyland Postal History (Israel) | #8, 10-12 | 1958 | 4 | ||||
Nutmeg Stamp Sales _ Dr Arthur Groten's "via Palestine" | #15 | 1999 | 4 | ||||
SIP LA Chapter mail sale | 1990 | SIP - LA | 5 | ||||
The van Doorn collection - Christies auction | 1980 | 4 | |||||
Zodiac Stamps | #30-35 | 1978-1981 | 7 | ||||
Nutmeg Stamps - Dr Arthur Groten's "Via Palestine" | 1999 | 5 | |||||
Cherrystone | Santa Fe Collection of the Middle East (Jordan & Palestine) | 2012 | 5 | ||||
Heinrich Kohler | The drs. Avo Kaplanian Collection (Palestine) | 2013 | 5 | ||||
David Feldman | Israel - The Belinkoff Doar Ivri Collection | 2013 | 5 | ||||
David Feldman | Israel Including the Belinkoff Collection & the Weissberg Holocaust Collection | 2014 | 5 | ||||
Spink | Palestine Stamps & Postal History | 2012 | 5 | ||||
Spink | Pearls of Arabia - Palestine | 2011 | 5 |